Beyond Growth

Pathways towards Sustainable Prosperity in the EU

The conference "A Blueprint for a Social and Green Deal" is a follow-up event of the Beyond Growth Conference (BGC) organised in the European Parliament for partners and speakers of the BGC
on the 7th of December 2023 between 19:00 and 21:00 (CET), followed by a reception.

The conference will also be available online on this website and on our youtube channel for all other participants. There is no registration necessary for those following the conference online.

Conference background

The Beyond Growth 2023 Conference organized by the 20 MEPs from five different political groups and non-attached in the European Parliament in May 2023 marked a turning point in the battle of ideas around post-growth. A large, enthusiastic and diverse community has gathered in the forum of European democracy to bear witness to the considerable progress made by the scientific world and civil society over the last decade in moving beyond the economic models inherited from the 20th century, which are still at the heart of European policymaking.

With ecological crises accelerating before our eyes, as is the evidence of the limits of economic models based on economic growth and their impact on the environment in which citizens are living, it is clear that the Beyond Growth conference cannot be an end in itself, or simply the prologue to a new conference in 5 years' time. Instead, it must be understood as an invitation to engage further in discussions on EU policy-making, building on what already exists to improve it.

Looking ahead to the next European elections and the next Commission’s work programme, this conference therefore aims to focus on how to turn the EU’s flagship initiative, the European Green Deal, into a European Social and Green Deal.

Towards a Social and Green Deal

The European Green Deal is now completing its first, political, cycle: since December 2019, a significant number of measures have been adopted, sometimes painfully, sometimes disappointingly, and much remains to be done. Building on what has been achieved and recognising that this flagship package has no equivalent in the world, many now call for the launch of a second political cycle - a social cycle - in the development of the Green Deal, as it is considered ill equipped to address the interlinks between the ecological imperative and the reduction of socio-economic inequalities.

Three main challenges and limitations are generally put forward by critics. First, the European Green Deal relies on a green growth-centered approach which unrealistically assumes that it is possible to simultaneously sustain economic growth while improving environmental sustainability and social justice. Second, its ‘just transition’ perspective is too narrowly defined, marked by a social investment focus, with insufficient financial volume available for support. As such, it rests on a corrective logic designed to compensate for the effects of the green transition, does not challenge industrial labour relations, and risks reproducing or renewing social inequalities within the EU and with the rest of the world. Third, its industrial agenda remains centred on cost-competitiveness and its ‘Better Regulation’ agenda, fails to make EU funding conditional on social, environmental and financial requirements, and to promote the creation of quality jobs, fair working conditions and collective bargaining.

The organisers therefore seek to discuss the shortcomings of the social dimension of the Green Deal, and to focus on the steps required to build a more ambitious, more integrated and more effective strategy to the social-ecological transition in Europe. With the help of leading decision-makers, scholars, trade unionists and civil society actors, the conference aims to explore in particular which institutions, policy mix, financial resources, governance mechanisms and actors can help design a blueprint for a Social and Green Deal.



  • Philippe Lamberts - MEP and Co-President (Greens/EFA), Beyond Growth Conference organiser


  • Éloi Laurent - Senior Economist at OFCE, Sciences Po Centre for Economic Research (Paris)


  • Marek Hudon - Professor at the ULB, Co-President of the Belgian High Committee for a Just Transition
  • Judith Kirton-Darling - Deputy General Secretary of IndustriAll European Trade Union
  • Laura de Bonfils - Secretary General at Social Platform

Closing remarks

  • Agata Meysner - President at Generation Climate Europe


This conference is organised by MEP Lamberts (Greens/EFA) and supported by the 19 other Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from five different political groups and non-attached who organised the Beyond Growth 2023 conference last May. It is also supported by BGC partner organisations:

Let’s keep the discussion going and let’s organise collectively!

Many of you have expressed their desire to keep in touch, to ensure that the bridges and the ties developed here can keep on going through time, that you can meet and organise.
Thanks to our partner Well Being Economy Alliance, you can therefore join the Slack channel « Beyond Growth EU » here.
The rest is in your hands !

If you have any problem, please contact Please note that the link is valid for 30 days only.


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From growth to 'beyond growth': Concepts and challenges

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About Beyond Growth Conference

The Beyond Growth 2023 Conference is a multi-stakeholder event aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in Europe, based on a systemic and transformative approach to economic, social and environmental sustainability and its encompassing governance framework.


The Beyond Growth 2023 conference is an initiative of 20 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from five different political groups and non-attached, with the support of the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola. They are supported by more than 60 partner organisations.

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