Beyond Growth 2023 Conference.

Director Maritime Policy and Blue Economy DG MARE, European Commission
Delilah Al Khudhairy

Delilah Al Khudhairy

As of September 2022, Delilah Al Khudhairy is the Director for Maritime Policy and Blue Economy in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). The mission of the Directorate is to drive forward maritime policy and to support and stimulate the creation of jobs, growth and investment to unlock the economic potential of the sea. The Directorate also provides analysis on economic and social aspects of maritime affairs and fisheries management and has a leading role in the work in DG MARE on the Better Regulation Agenda, including on public consultations and impact assessments.

Prior to this, Delilah was the Director of the directorates for Competences as well as Strategy, Work Programme and Resources at the European Commission’s in-house Science and Knowledge service, the Joint Research Centre. She graduated with a first class honours BSc (Eng.) and PhD degrees in Materials Science Engineering from London University. She was employed at British Gas PLC, UK, before joining the European Commission in 1990.
