Focus panel 4 – Unlocking a just and sustainable economy through Universal Basic Services
Moving towards a just and sustainable European and global economy requires universal access to life’s essentials - what everyone needs to live well, now and in future. The term Universal Basic Services (UBS) conveys a range of collective measures, enacted through democratic institutions, to ensure that needs are met universally and sufficiently within planetary boundaries: chiefly, public services backed by investment of public funds and regulation for quality and sustainability. Prioritising and radically extending UBS signifies a materially better life for the many by directly reducing poverty and inequality while making reductions in private consumption possible. What is needed to design Universal Basic Services in ways that are growth-independent, broaden economic participation and strengthen democracy? Which experiences can be built on and what could the EU do to promote UBS internally and through its international cooperation?
- Petros Kokkalis - MEP (The Left), Beyond Growth Conference organiser
- Anna Coote - Principal Fellow, New Economics Foundation
- Kahina Rabahi - Policy and advocacy coordinator, European Anti-Poverty Network
- Giacomo D’Alisa - Maria Zambrano Fellow, Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Corinna Dengler - Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
Petros S. Kokkalis
Member of the European Parliament (The Left), Beyond Growth Conference organiser
Anna Coote
Principal Fellow, New Economics Foundation
Corinna Dengler
Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
Giacomo D’Alisa
Maria Zambrano Fellow, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Kahina Rabahi
Policy and advocacy coordinator, European Anti-Poverty Network